Monday, April 15, 2013

Bonfires and stuntmen

Okay then, my turn to remind you lots about what a great time we´re all having in Germanland while you´re stuck in New Zealand hahahahahhahaha. 
Anyway, while I have the stage, HI MUM!!! 
So yeah we´ve all had a zuper fantastisch first week thanks to Frau Zimmer and Frau Delgrosso. All our Germans have been great and it couldn´t be better.
So in the weekend my Germans (the Wilhelms) had a delayed Easter bonfire cause it was snowing during easter. They invited their friends and family and we all had a jolly good time. Did I just say "jolly good", sorry about that. So at this bonfire I got taught how to play the accordion by my German´s grandad, which was pretty amazing. Don´t you just love the accordion? 
So today we went to a filmpark; behind the scenes, set recreations and that. And there was this sehr sehr gut stunt show. So that´s all you lot are going to be taking out of my educational venture. And I'm sure you´re all totally bored of photos of Germanland scenery and old buildings with naked statues, so I'll leave you with a photo of  a burning stuntman. 

Tschüs, bis später. (by Adam)

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